Crown Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

How Long Will My AC Last?

Monday, May 17th, 2021

A central air conditioning system is a major investment. It may not be the most expensive appliance you have in your home, but it’s a vital part of your family’s comfort and you’ll want to get as many years of cooling as possible before it’s time to replace it. 

But how many years can you reasonably expect your current AC to last? At what point should you start considering a replacement unit?

We can provide some answers to these questions, although when it comes to making a final choice about air conditioning replacement in Akron, OH, please work with professionals. Our team can help you to make a decision, and if it’s to replace the AC, they’ll ensure you get a great new unit that’s matched to your household’s needs.

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Why We Recommend AC Maintenance Every Spring

Monday, April 19th, 2021

Do you want to get the best from your air conditioning in Stow, OH this coming summer? Maybe that’s a silly question, because why would you want an AC that doesn’t work well, breaks down a few times, and costs too much to run? 

But there’s a simple way to help ensure an AC stays in top shape during the summer that many people forget to do, and that’s regular professional maintenance in spring. When it comes to AC service, spring maintenance is about as important a service as there is, and we want to make sure you know about it so you’ll get the best cooling this summer.

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Benefits of Daikin Mini Split Systems for Your Home

Monday, August 10th, 2020

We are proud to offer the best products for HVAC available on the market. One product we often recommend is the Daikin mini system. These are types of ductless mini split heat pumps, and they have the potential to change the way you view home comfort. If you are interested in ductless mini splits in Akron, OH for your house or new home construction, please call us to learn more about Daikin mini splits.

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Is a High SEER Rating for a New AC Always Good?

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Shopping for a new air conditioning system for your home, or planning on a replacement AC in the near future? Navigating all the statistics for an air conditioning system can be difficult unless you’re an HVAC professional. Of course, that’s why you have HVAC professionals around to help you with getting a new air conditioner! We’re local experts in air conditioning installation in Akron, OH, and if you’re looking for an AC installation or replacement, get us on the job early so we can help you figure out all those stats … like SEER ratings.

You may know that SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) is a measurement of how energy efficient an air conditioner’s operation is. Therefore, a higher SEER number means a better system that will save you money. Except that’s not always the case. If you are lured by the siren call of the high SEER rating, you may end up with a system that’s completely wrong for your house.

SEER Is Not a Guarantee of Savings or Performance

The basics of SEER is that it’s the ratio of the air conditioner’s cooling output to electrical use as measured over a season. The higher the SEER number, the less electricity the system uses under a range of tests compared to its cooling. However, this only shows what the air conditioning system is capable of when working at its best. It’s not a guarantee it will work at its best all the time. In fact, it won’t.

An easy comparison to make is to think of a car. Just because a car can potentially go 120 mph doesn’t mean it will always go that fast. (It probably never should!) SEER isn’t so extreme, but if you buy a 21 SEER air conditioner, which is a high-efficiency system, it won’t always operate at 21 SEER and will often perform at lower efficiency. Its maximum is 21.

An Oversized System Isn’t a Good Thing

Another factor to consider is the size of the air conditioning system. This is a factor that will outweigh any high SEER number and make the AC wasteful. An air conditioner that is too small for the house will run continuously. Even if it’s running at its peak SEER, it’s running too much and will be a tremendous energy drain. An oversized AC will get stuck in a start-stop mode so the AC will never get close to its SEER rating and waste extra power because it’s starting up too much.

High efficiency is great. We recommend you look for an AC that meets the ENERGY STAR program’s requirements for SEER (currently it’s 15 SEER or above for air conditioners). You may wish to pay more for a higher SEER unit. But make sure you’re informed of all the other factors involved in air conditioning installation by working with professionals. This is the only way to ensure you get the maximum in performance and efficiency from the unit. Otherwise, you may be throwing money away on features that won’t reward you. Leave the work to our professionals when it comes to new air conditioner installation.

Crown Group Ohio serves Stark & Summit Counties. Call for 24/7 comfort assistance.

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Does Your AC Need a Refrigerant Refill? Probably Not!

Monday, June 29th, 2020

If you ever hear a so-called “HVAC technician” tell you that it’s time to give your air conditioner a refrigerant refill, run the other direction as fast as you can! This technician either has no idea what they’re talking about or they’re trying to pull a fast one on you.

Unfortunately, people are often confused about how refrigerant in an air conditioning system works. They often assume that refrigerant is a type of fuel and the AC will eventually run low on it. Like an automobile, it needs to have more fuel put in to keep it going.

This isn’t how refrigerant works at all. An AC may at some point require more refrigerant, but this is a repair, not a regular task. We’ll explain below to help you understand when you may need more refrigerant, and why most of the time you won’t.

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Ice on the Air Conditioner? No, That Should Not Happen!

Monday, June 15th, 2020

Since most people don’t know the inner workings of their home air conditioning systems, they may think the appearance of ice along the evaporator coil is something normal. After all, the AC blows out air that feels frigid, as if it were blown across an Arctic landscape. So shouldn’t ice be a normal byproduct of the air conditioner cooling down a house?

The answer is no, not at all.

When an air conditioner is running properly, ice will never appear on it. If ice does show up on the evaporator coil (the spot where it will start) it means that something is wrong with the system. If this happens to your air conditioner, you will probably need to call for air conditioning repair in Akron, OH.

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When Is It Time to Stop AC Repairs and Get a New One?

Monday, June 1st, 2020

As much as you’d love for your current air conditioner to last for as long as you own your house, the stress on an AC will eventually catch up with it. Even with the best regular maintenance, you can expect the system to reach a point where it’s more cost-effective–not to mention more comfortable–for you to have a new system put in rather than pay for yet another repair.

But aside from the air conditioner suffering from a catastrophic breakdown, how will you know when it’s time to leave aside AC repair in Akron, OH, and arrange for a new installation?

We can help!

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Warning Signs of an Air Conditioning System in Trouble

Friday, May 15th, 2020

The best way to prevent running into a need for air conditioning repair in Akron, OH is to have routine maintenance done before the summer heat arrives. Our Crown Comfort Club is the easiest path toward the regular maintenance that will keep your AC in top shape for the season, so if you haven’t arranged for your annual appointment, sign up for the club to get started.

But there’s no way we prevent all air conditioning malfunctions, and the best way to mitigate problems and prevent major air conditioning system failures is to watch for the early indications of AC trouble. Air conditioners may not come with complex computer diagnostics that will tell you exactly when something is going wrong, but they do give off warnings when trouble is starting. Below are the common signs to look for that will help you know it’s time to call for our technicians.

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Finding the Right Air Conditioner for Your House

Monday, May 4th, 2020

When the time comes for you to replace your old residential air conditioning system, what’s the best way to get a new one? Buying a new AC isn’t like shopping for almost anything else. You can’t just put together a list of features you want and purchase whatever one “seems” right. Air conditioning replacement in Akron, OH requires working with professionals who will help you find the ideal make, model, and size of AC. Once you’ve taken care of that part, you can let the HVAC pros handle the actual job of installation.

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The Year to Replace Your AC? We Offer the Best Warranty Coverage!

Monday, April 20th, 2020

Before the summer arrives, we recommend you take the time to survey your residential air conditioning system. Is your current one still running at the level you need it to? Or is age catching up to it? Are you ready to upgrade to a new system even if your current air conditioner is still doing the job?

It’s tricky to make a choice about something as big and important as an air conditioning replacement in Akron, OH. But when you have the backing of experts like ours, as well as the excellent brands and warranties we offer, you can feel more at ease about making the choice. We back up all our work with a full satisfaction guarantee.

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