Crown Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Why Daikin Mini Splits Last for so Long

Monday, June 19th, 2023

Ductless mini splits are quickly becoming one of the most favored ways to cool your home, but there’s more than one brand making these machines. Daikin is one of them, and they’re known to last for an exceptionally long time due to their quality and craftsmanship.

Getting a Daikin mini split installed in your home isn’t as lengthy of a process as you might think. Since mini splits in general have faster installation times, you could have one in your home before you know it. Let’s talk about why they’re an excellent brand of mini split.

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Should You Repair or Replace Your AC?

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Your air conditioner is on the fritz, so what do you do? Do you call and get it repaired again, or is it time to bring in a new unit to take care of the job? One way or another, you need something to cool down your home–let’s help you figure out what to do.

With our AC services in Hudson, you can either replace or repair your air conditioner, but you don’t want to prematurely spend a lot of money to put a new unit in. Therein lies the rub, so let’s help you figure it out right now.

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3 Tips For Optimal Ductless System Operation

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Ductless systems save you energy, which saves you money. Some homeowners think that their installation is the end of the road for their home energy optimization. Spoiler alert: it’s not. There’s more you can do.

When you have ductless mini splits in Stow, OH, there are three things you can do to get even more out of them. This helps you save energy, money, and may even prevent as many maintenance-related issues in the future. Let’s talk about them.

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Choosing Your Next AC Unit

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Picking the right air conditioner for your home isn’t as simple as selecting a picture from a catalog and having a contractor install it. If only it worked that way. There’s an entire process to selecting your next air conditioner.

What you need for air conditioning installation has likely changed from the last time you had this done some 10-15 years ago. There’s new information and best practices to take into consideration, so let’s get into it.

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Choosing Your Next AC Unit

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Choosing the right air conditioning unit for your home or business can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the different types of AC units available. Let’s explore some of the most important air conditioning installation factors to keep in mind when selecting your next AC unit.

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How to Schedule Air Conditioning Installation

Monday, March 13th, 2023

A brand new air conditioning system is a big investment in your home, which is all the more reason why it’s imperative to have it installed correctly and avoid problems. If you’re not sure how to find the right contractors for the job or even how to schedule air conditioning installation, we’ll walk you through the process.

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Do Ductless Mini Splits Actually Have Better Energy Efficiency?

Monday, December 5th, 2022

We all want our homes to be more energy efficient. It’s great to put less wear and tear on our systems and be more environmentally conscious, but what if we told you that you could also save money?

Ductless mini splits in Stow, OH use less money to operate and have other benefits that make future maintenance and repairs a lot easier. Let’s talk about why ductless mini splits might be your best next option for home heating and cooling.

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Why Won’t the AC Evenly Cool My House?

Monday, August 15th, 2022

We know that with the summer heat, the air conditioning system in your house is one of your best friends right now. You’ll probably need it running for several hours each day to manage comfortable temperatures, and just feeling the crisp air coming from the vents is a great relief.

However, even if you’re receiving cool air from the AC, you might not have complete cooling throughout your house. Maybe one or two rooms are hotter than normal no matter how long the AC runs. We’re glad that you’re not ignoring this issue, because uneven cooling from a central air conditioner often points toward bigger problems developing—some of which can lead to having no working AC at all!

We’ll examine several of the potential causes of uneven cooling to help you know when you need to call us for air conditioning repair in Uniontown, OH, or elsewhere in Stark and Summit counties. 

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How to Keep Your AC Running When the Summer Heat Is On

Monday, August 1st, 2022

The big heat of the summer has arrived, and we can expect the scorching days to continue in the near future. It’s during heat waves like this that the air conditioning system in a home becomes more than just a comfort device. It’s essential for daily living and it can even be a lifesaver.

Here’s the problem: the more heat, the more an AC has to work. And the more an AC has to work, the faster it wears down and the more likely it might overheat and fail. We don’t want you to face a problem like this in the second half of summer! We have air conditioning repair in Akron, OH to help if your air conditioning system runs into trouble, but we know you’d rather avoid trouble in the first place. That’s why we have this post. It contains helpful advice on how to keep your AC healthy and working during the worst summer heat.

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Odd Sounds From Your AC and What They Might Mean

Monday, July 18th, 2022

An air conditioner has several ways of sounding a warning siren that it needs professional repairs. One of those sirens is, appropriately, odd noises. 

Modern air conditioners run quieter than ever, but you’ll still hear a similar set of sounds while one operates: the whir of the blower fan, the movement of air through the vents, the hum of the compressor, the occasional drip of water, and brief clicking as the unit powers down. When different sounds intrude or the AC starts becoming much louder than before, pay close attention—these sounds give you an idea of what’s wrong and when it’s time to call for a professional to fix it.

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