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Don’t Delay Calling for Heating Repair (Even in March)


The weather can shift rapidly in March and April and, of course, rain is always a possibility. But once the calendar turns over to March, we find that people are far more reluctant to call for heating repair in Akron, OH when their heater is exhibiting any symptoms less dire than a full shutdown. If they’re still getting some heat, it’s easy for them to figure they can “ride out” the rest of the season and worry about getting the repairs done “sometime later.”

You probably know when “sometime later” will be. It will be when the heater actually breaks down. Procrastination is never good when it comes to a valuable part of your house, and especially not with your heater. 

Below are the reasons to always promptly arrange for professional repairs for your heater.


You probably use a natural gas-powered furnace to heat your home, since the majority of residential buildings rely on this type of heating system. Gas furnaces can pose safety hazards if they are neglected: ignoring a seemingly small problem can lead to carbon monoxide leaks in the house or combustion dangers. Even electric furnaces have potential safety issues if signs of malfunctions are ignored.

Avoid emergency breakdowns

You don’t want to get caught during one of those cold days in March and April (you know they’re coming!) with a heating system that won’t work at all. This is a big risk you take when you allow a heating system that’s showing signs of trouble to continue to run. 

Stop bigger or more repairs

The stress put on a heating system when it’s not working correctly will cause the initial problem to start to worsen. This can lead to a breakdown, but even if it doesn’t get that far, it will be a more expensive problem to correct because of a delay. And one repair issue can create others in a chain reaction—something that can happen in any complicated piece of equipment. Either way, you’ll pay more for the repair when you finally get it taken care of than if you had acted earlier.

Keeps operating costs down

The same stress on the heating system that creates breakdowns and additional repairs will also force the heater to work harder. And that means it will cost more to run. You don’t want to see your heating bills for March and April take a drastic upswing, not when it’s easy to avoid by simply calling for repairs at the first sign of trouble.

Lengthens system life

Allowing a heater to grind away with a malfunction can subtract from its service life, much the same way a car engine is at risk of needing to be replaced if its needs are neglected. Replacing a heater years before its time is expensive, and timely repairs are one of the best ways (along with regular maintenance) to ensure your heater lives up to or beyond its estimated service life.

There’s no need to delay these repairs when you can call us 24/7 for the service you need. We’ll take care of everything.

Call Crown Group Ohio for heating repairs any time of the day or night.

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